Monday, October 26, 2009

The last 6 or so months.

Since our last post was ancient history I decided to squeeze many moons into one page. I seem to go in 6 month intervals. Here it goes.

A little girl is blessed in the outfit made by her mom.

Our two wonderful stars.

We had a beautiful lady bug and a handsome bumblebee for Halloween.

That received a plethora of goodness. IE Candy.


Tina said...
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Tina said...

I'm officially commenting! I tried to follow your blog but didn't find a place to add you--but I did subscribe, so new posts will show up on my google reader. Wahoo!

Kudos to your lovely wife on that dress. It is beeeeautiful.

I had to delete the first post because I misspelled a word, and it bothered me much mroe than it should have. I didn't really think about how it would leave a "Tina deleted her message" post for all to see.

Unknown said...

Maranda! The dress you made is beautiful.

Cassott Kinghorn said...

Wow, impressive sewing skills and cute kids! :) How fun.

mikeandash said...

Your kids are so cute! Good job on the dress Maranda!